Invasion of the Home Shoppers

We now have an official date for our house to go on the market. Wednesday April 19. Shannon and I have been working on many projects to get ready for this long awaited day, but we can hardly believe that it’s almost here. I’m not quite sure that we’re ready just yet, but hopefully we […]

Mommy Cuddles

Mommy, will you lay down with me? I need some Mommy cuddles! – Nathan, 2 1/2 So, has anyone figured out how I can bottle up these moments and keep them forever?

SQL, SmeshQL

In helping George with his current coding project I have had to write lots of several simple SQL queries. There’s a piece of the project that will eventually be available for the client to manage themselves. But in the meantime, it is only accessible through the database. So anytime they find a mistake in the […]

Stepping Out

Wow, I can’t believe that it has already been 5 weeks since I quit my job! The time does fly. Some of you may not even know about all of the big changes we are going through right now. I have been intending to post about this for some time. I wanted to wait until […]