3 – 6 – 9 – 12

I like numbers. My little mathematical world has felt oddly aligned for the past 10 days. Bear is THREE years old right now. Tiger is SIX years old. Kat is NINE years old. And George and I have been married for TWELVE years. But 10 days is all I get. In a few short hours […]

Hello, World. Again.

So, I’ve decided to return. (I think.) You can blame facebook for the long hiatus. It’s easier to write a sentence or two over there than to write a multi-paragraph essay over here. There are benefits to writing over here, though, and that’s why I think I’ll be coming back shortly. But, first, tell me […]

Tuesday Tea :: Bug in A Jug

Tuesday at our house means peppermint tea, Milano cookies and poems. A recent favorite for you to enjoy: Curious fly, Vinegar jug, Slippery edge, Pickled bug. – Anonymous

Funny Friday: Jingle Bells

Here’s Bear at her Mother’s Day Out Christmas program a few weeks ago. The entire clip is here for the grandparents, but the rest of you can skip to 0:30 and watch until 1:00.

Funny Friday: Sandbox Dangers

I recently found an old journal of funny stories from the past few years that I thought I’d share. Here’s your first funny from that archive. Enjoy! We were relaxing in the backyard on a beautiful Sunday afternoon with Kat and Tiger. (This was before Bear was born.) The kids and George were playing in […]

Funny Friday: Kat’s Joke

A little humor for your Friday. When can wood fly? When it’s a ceiling fan! – made up completely by Kat

What a Day!

I got to watch as my latest niece entered this world….barely. I made it there with a mere 12 minutes to spare. I detoured through downtown Dallas. Twice. In the dark. The first was around midnight and was the result of a decision to not take my planned exit since it looked like a parking […]

If you have 4 hours….

Heard tonight as we were in the van: “Hey Mom and Dad, I just figured something out. . . If you have 4 hours and put it into 3 groups, you’d have one hour and twenty minutes in each group!” You know, I had been feeling a wee bit guilty that Kat never finished her […]

One Week Ago :: Friday

These are technically from Thursday’s trip to the museum. Our Friday wasn’t all that eventful. We had a good week while George was away. I’m so thankful my parents, especially my mom, were able to spend extra time with the kids and help me out. It would have been far more challenging if they hadn’t. […]

One Week Ago :: Thursday

The kids and I took mom to the local museum. Tiger LOVED this wall. He probably spent an hour there. Yes, the ball did go all the way from one side to the other with this arrangement. That is, as long as you used the ping-pong balls, not the golf balls. On the way home […]