One Week Ago :: Thursday
posted May 22nd, 2008 by Shannon

The kids and I took mom to the local museum. Tiger LOVED this wall. He probably spent an hour there. Yes, the ball did go all the way from one side to the other with this arrangement. That is, as long as you used the ping-pong balls, not the golf balls.

On the way home from the museum, we stopped at the botanic gardens and ate our sandwiches. (This is another photo taken with my phone. It turned out blurry. I tried to modify it so it looked like it was supposed to be blurry, but it’s not perfect.)

Mom took the kids and let me lay down on the blanket and rest a bit. I fell asleep. Thanks for the nap, Mom!!
I’m starting to run out of interesting things to write. So…. pictures today, videos tomorrow, then start reading George’s adventures on Saturday.
Filed under: Adventures, Family on May 22nd, 2008
Neat adventures — looks like the Tiger might have some “engineer” in him.