Funny Friday: When traveling by dragon

“Mom, if you’re ever standing on a dragon’s head and he’s flying … well, that’s a bad idea.” – Tiger (Age 5)

Funny Friday: Karate Moves

Kat: “It’s okay…. I know some karate moves!” Said in response to George telling Bear to stop hitting Kat over the head with a toy. (Kat’s homeschool PE class recently finished their third, and last, class in karate. Apparently they learned defensive moves that can be used when you are being attacked by a two […]

Funny Friday: Too Much Tea

I know it’s Sunday, not Friday, but I couldn’t think of anything funny on Friday. So here’s a story from tonight: To set the scene: Tiger was sitting at the table drinking sweet tea and eating his dinner. (In a regular chair, not the higher red chairs they sometimes sit it.) All of a sudden […]

Funny Friday: For kids 8 and up

Kat received a make-your-own-lip-gloss kit from a relative last weekend and today she asked me to help her open it. Kat: Can you help me open this package? Mom: Sure, but it says this is only for kids 8 and up. You are only 7 and a half. Kat: Yeah, but I’m sure I can […]

Tiger’s Love

Speaking of googol and Tiger, here’s another one for you: Tiger: Mommy, I love you up to outer space and back googol times. He can sure be a sweetie at times!

Funny Friday: Secret Number

Mom: I have a secret number. It’s bigger than 7 and smaller than 9. What is it? Tiger: 8! My turn. I have a secret number. It’s bigger than 1 and smaller than … (thinking)… a googol. What is it? Despite practically infinite possibililities, I guessed the secret number on my second guess. It was […]

Funny Friday: New Words

Bear has been learning new words at a rapid pace recently. We were outside yesterday evening when she pointed to the sky and said “Moon.” Sure enough, the moon was visible. I don’t recall teaching her that word, but she could have picked it up a number of places: Sesame Street, Diego, a book, etc. […]

Funny Friday: Not a Good Idea

Overheard this summer: Tiger, I DON’T think it’s a good idea to pick your nose with a sword. – Daddy

Funny Friday: Every Mother’s Dream

A quick look through my draft posts resulted in my finding this. It happened almost a year ago, right before Tiger turned four. Too bad this did not become a regular conversation between us! Enjoy. “Mommy, how ’bout this be the last time I throw the ball to you? And then you throw the ball […]

Funny Friday: Pieces of Ice

This morning I was gathering up the water bottles for today’s bike ride. George had previously filled up all the bottles and placed them in the frig, but Tiger had gotten his out of the frig, used it at breakfast, and left it empty. I was filling his water bottle at the sink when he […]