Funny Friday: Too Much Tea
posted October 19th, 2008 by Shannon
I know it’s Sunday, not Friday, but I couldn’t think of anything funny on Friday. So here’s a story from tonight:
To set the scene: Tiger was sitting at the table drinking sweet tea and eating his dinner. (In a regular chair, not the higher red chairs they sometimes sit it.) All of a sudden we see him fall out of his chair, somehow managing to pull the chair on top of him, landing on his crotch. (Poor guy!) After ensuring he is all right, this is what I hear:
George: Buddy, the only way you could fall out of your chair like that is if you weren’t sitting in it properly. (Either that or you’ve had WAY too much to drink.)
Tiger: Hmmm…..I think maybe it’s because I’ve had WAY too much tea to drink.
Filed under: Laugh More on October 19th, 2008
I suspect that he was probably drinking his tea too fast. If you do that, then you can get dizzy and fall out of the chair.
Your kids say the best stuff!