Take this Awareness test

You gotta check out this video awareness test. It’s only about 60 seconds or so. If you can’t see the video above, try going to this link here.

DIY: Billion Second Birthday

Want to know when your billion second birthday is (or was)? Want to say you’ve written a bit of Ruby code? Well, here’s your chance. Head over to this Interactive Ruby site and type this line (substituting your own birthday year, month, and day): Time.mktime(1980,8,13) + 1000000000 You will have to type it out. Copy […]

So, Just How Big is One Billion?

When I was one thousand seconds old, I was being weighed for the first time. When I was one million seconds old, I was still sleeping most of the day. When I was one billion seconds old, I was married with 3 kiddos. Wow. Happy One-Billion-Seconds-Old Birthday to Me!!!! (1,000 seconds is roughly 16 minutes. […]