If you have 4 hours….

Heard tonight as we were in the van: “Hey Mom and Dad, I just figured something out. . . If you have 4 hours and put it into 3 groups, you’d have one hour and twenty minutes in each group!” You know, I had been feeling a wee bit guilty that Kat never finished her […]

Optimum Time

Bear, also known as PinkyT (short for The Pink Tornado), removed a few books from the bookshelf in the office today and left them in random places around the house. One of them was Ruth Beechick’s reading book from her Three R’s series. I found it in the living room and since it’s only 28 […]

Book Meme

My friend Jen had this book meme posted on her blog. Here are the rules: 1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages.) 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the next three sentences. 5. Tag five people. Our current read-aloud from Sonlight was the […]

Box Day!!

857 Yeah! Yesterday was Box Day at our house. E’s first grade books arrived from Sonlight. Unfortunately our camera messed up right after this photo so this is the only photo of the event. The kids are excited about the new books and E went to bed looking at one tonight. 859 We had issues […]