Box Day!!

posted June 21st, 2007 by Shannon


Yeah! Yesterday was Box Day at our house. E’s first grade books arrived from Sonlight. Unfortunately our camera messed up right after this photo so this is the only photo of the event. The kids are excited about the new books and E went to bed looking at one tonight.


We had issues with uploading photos last month so I didn’t get photos from our last day of Kindergarten posted. These are all the books we read and the kids are holding their favorites. I had serious doubts that the book N picked was really his favorite so I let them pick a second book and he then picked the book I expected to be his favorite: The Berenstain Bears’ Big Book of Science and Nature.


I think we read Berenstain Bears all the way through almost 3 times. And we must have read the Fish of the Sea page once a day for a month straight. The kids had it memorized. “Sardine – bass – tuna – flounder – That sunfish is a thousand-pounder!” and “Dogfish bite but they can’t bark.” It’s a great book, but that was a bit much. It eventually was put away for a while and N had to start picking another book to read each day. Last year we started out using the schedule from Sonlight but I eventually started letting each kid pick a book to read from the school pile each day while I picked one or two myself. It worked out pretty well for us and we also added in several more books that weren’t from Sonlight.

Notice that of the top 4 books that they picked, 3 of them are science books. My dad will be so proud. One of the books Emily is holding is actually a book we’ll use this year too. We just happened to already own it and we read several sections before I realized we’d read the whole thing this coming year. Glad she liked it!

Enjoy the photos after the long photo-famine. Thanks to hubby for figuring out the problem with uploading the photos. And shame on me for staying up too late again tonight. Good night!

5 Responses to “Box Day!!”

  1. Woohoo! Pictures, again. Thanks George for fixing that.

    That’s great that the kiddos are enjoying reading and learning so much. …and science!

  2. your kids are so cute!!!!!!!! i will give you a call shannon, maybe we could possibly meet up sunday sometime??

  3. your kids are so cute!!!!!!!! i will give you a call shannon, maybe we could possibly meet up sunday sometime??

  4. Love, love, love the pics! And hey! Those books look familiar! Seeing that and hearing that you had Box Day makes me a bit sad to not be home schooling! 🙂

  5. Hey, how fun! My two jen-friends are responding to the same post. H-town jen: we’d love to meet up with you sometime now that you are back in the state. Sorry the other weekend didn’t work out. Northern jen: Yep, you should recognize most of those books! In a month or so you’ll be buying school supplies and getting them all labeled and organized and then it will be my turn to be a bit sad. Picking out school supplies (and marking them off the list as we bought them) was one of my favorite parts of the whole year! I miss that.

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