I really should be sleeping…
posted June 20th, 2007 by Shannon
but George and I are fascinated with a caterpillar. If you’ve never watched a caterpillar go through the process of becoming a butterfly, you are missing out! It’s so amazing. We’ve watched parts of it several times but I’m still completely amazed every time I see a part of the process. My dad found 6 Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillars on his dill plants. He put all 6 into a jar and sent it with my mom who came to visit us last week. Well, technically he only know about 5 caterpillars but there was one teeny, tiny bonus stowaway who was about a week and a half behind the others in his lifecycle. Tonight the stowaway is attaching himself to a stick before he loses his outer layer of skin and forms a chrysalis. Today we also got our first 2 butterflies of the batch. We had one boy and one girl butterfly. (In case you are wondering, the girls have more blue on their wings and the boys have more yellow.)
Feel free to check out our caterpillar posts from two years ago. I won’t be going into that much detail this time around, nor do I have any funny stories about losing any caterpillars. You’ll have to check out the old posts for those stories.
In other news, yesterday H’s preferred mobility method was crawling. Today it may have been half walking and half crawling. I really wasn’t ready for this phase, but if it makes her want to be held less then maybe it’s not so bad. She’s so cute and has the sweetest smile, but my arms are getting very tired!
E has discovered her first loose tooth. I finally got a good look at it today and discovered that her permanent tooth is actually already coming in behind it. This milestone totally snuck up on me. Any been-there, done-that folks out there are welcome to send me some advice on this one.
N…hmm, I should write something about him too. We pretended to be Fire Eaters today. It was silly. We went on a bike ride this morning just him and I and H. (E is attending VBS with a neighbor friend this week.) I wasn’t looking forward to it, but it turned out to be a good little outing.
Speaking of N, he had a complete meltdown in the check-out line of a store yesterday. The kind where the kid is laying on the floor screaming loud enough for the whole store to hear. To which the cash register lady said “Are we having a bad day? Are you hot and tired? I think 7-11 still sells Slurpies. That might help you cool down. Would a Slurpie help?” WHAT!??!?? What part of that is supposed to be helpful? Luckily my kids have never actually had an official Slurpie so they had no clue what she was talking about. She then started talking to them about going swimming to help cool them off. Does this woman have NO clue? Putting ideas of Slurpies and swimming in their head is not going to make them feel all better inside. They were not hot, they were tired. VERY TIRED. Within 3 minutes of getting back in the car N was asleep. I know better than to try to go to a store when he is so tired. But I just needed to get something real quick and we were right by this store and we don’t have one near us anymore. Ughh. Maybe it wasn’t worth it after all.
If I don’t post this in the next 2 minutes it will be timestamped as tomorrow. So much for my new 10pm bedtime.
Filed under: Family on June 20th, 2007
Wow, a loose tooth. I hadn’t thought about her being to that age either, though I remember kindergarten was the age it began. (Mom use to keep a chart of it in her K class.)
On the other end of the spectrum, I forgot that kids are still losing molars at age 10-11. So, I was surprised when my 6th grade Korean student had a loose tooth, which is perfectly normal they say, I just didn’t remember. 🙂