Take this Awareness test

You gotta check out this video awareness test. It’s only about 60 seconds or so. If you can’t see the video above, try going to this link here.

Definitely NERDY!

I took the test twice, so we’ll take the average and say I’m a mid-level nerd: I made George take the quiz also. His score: What are you?

DIY: Billion Second Birthday

Want to know when your billion second birthday is (or was)? Want to say you’ve written a bit of Ruby code? Well, here’s your chance. Head over to this Interactive Ruby site and type this line (substituting your own birthday year, month, and day): Time.mktime(1980,8,13) + 1000000000 You will have to type it out. Copy […]

Ruby Says Hello

I’m shaking the dust off of my coding brain cells and learning Ruby on Rails. I played with Ruby a few weeks ago, read my Rails book during Thanksgiving travels, and today created my first official Ruby on Rails application. I present to you my Hello World: You shouldn’t be too impressed because I copied […]

Who’s your anti-virus?

I recently found out that the free anti-virus software we have been using for years is no longer going to be free. Ouch. As a result, I’m now on the hunt for a new solution. We have been using a hardware firewall and the free anti-virus software with occasional scans from an online virus scan. […]

for all my mac friends…

Ran across this quote the other day on one of the geek sites I found myself on: “They say that when you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear demonic voices… But that’s nothing – When you play it forwards it installs Windows.”

Take a Test Drive…

Microsoft is allowing users to download a test drive of Office 2007. (But of course you can’t keep it forever.) OpenOffice.org wants to get the word out that you can take their test drive AND keep the car. Forever. Just like always. Completely free. No strings attached. We’ve been trying OpenOffice for a few months […]

All Gone

Well, George informed me today that our former place of employment has now removed the “Remember PIN” option from their website for security reasons. Yours truly wrote the code that made that functionality work. Okay, so it only took 4 lines of code to make it work. And technically it wasn’t my code anymore since […]

SQL, SmeshQL

In helping George with his current coding project I have had to write lots of several simple SQL queries. There’s a piece of the project that will eventually be available for the client to manage themselves. But in the meantime, it is only accessible through the database. So anytime they find a mistake in the […]

Unbelievable Yo-Yo Videos

For my yo-yo buddy Devin (and anyone else interested in super cool yo-yo videos), Well, I guess it’s time I come out and admit that I’m a wannabe yo-yo geek. You may think it’s lame or you may recognize the sheer coolness of the yo and those who wield it. No matter where you stand […]