Ruby Says Hello

posted November 30th, 2007 by Shannon

I’m shaking the dust off of my coding brain cells and learning Ruby on Rails. I played with Ruby a few weeks ago, read my Rails book during Thanksgiving travels, and today created my first official Ruby on Rails application. I present to you my Hello World:

Hello from Ruby

You shouldn’t be too impressed because I copied the code straight from the book. But it is working on my computer and I do understand (almost) everything I copied. Not small tasks for my brain cells.

4 Responses to “Ruby Says Hello”

  1. So, please remind me – if you little sister were to call you names like “nerd”, “geek”, “goober” then they’d mostly be true and not belittling, correct?

  2. Sounds great to me — I learned something the other day. Basically, it boils down to don’t get distracted when using a hammer.

  3. Laura > ‘Nerd’ and ‘geek’ would be pretty appropriate, but maybe we’ll leave ‘goober’ out.

    Dad > That’s a real good lesson to remember. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. I still remember my first looping program on the Commodore 64.


    I was so proud (and in the 5th grade)! LOL…

    I’m glad you’ve found a way to clean out the Mommy Cobwebs and get those synapses firing again!

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