All Gone

posted June 26th, 2006 by Shannon

Well, George informed me today that our former place of employment has now removed the “Remember PIN” option from their website for security reasons. Yours truly wrote the code that made that functionality work. Okay, so it only took 4 lines of code to make it work. And technically it wasn’t my code anymore since everything had to be rewritten when they changed from a Microsoft platform to IBM. But I was still the one to originally write it!

The only other real programming project I worked on was gone several years ago when they decided to no longer offer the product. SO that means that everything I ever did for the company is now officially gone. Oh well, they still paid me quite a lot of money for the amount of work they actually gave me. (Not many employees beg their managers weekly for SOMETHING to do. Please, ANYTHING!)

I do still enjoy programming and have a desire to use those skills again some day, but it just doesn’t make any sense to do so right now. I don’t think there will be much “spare time” for me around our house when Baby #3 makes his/her appearance in 6 more weeks or so. (Wow, is it really only 6 weeks away? Yikes!)

One Response to “All Gone”

  1. That is an interesting bit of info. Yes, I had realized that “remember PIN” option wasn’t there. I had to log in last week with our PIN. I had the choice of using the same (which I did) or creating another. However, your dad got the email at work from USAA stating that someone had “changed the PIN.” I got a phone call checking that out!

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