for all my mac friends…

Ran across this quote the other day on one of the geek sites I found myself on: “They say that when you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear demonic voices… But that’s nothing – When you play it forwards it installs Windows.”

The trouble with using a midwife…

…is that they know EVERYTHING! It’s just not fair! With the first two kiddos, this was a typical conversation I had with my doctor at each visit: Doctor: “How’s your nutrition? Are you eating well?” Me: “Pretty good. At least I’m trying to.” Doctor: “Well, keep working on it. Nutrition is important to your growing […]

July 24, 2006 – Part 2

A very sweet and special lady from my hometown died today. She was the mother of a friend and a friend of my mother’s. It was not unexpected, but it is still hard for me to process right now. Maybe because I’m physically distanced from it. Maybe because I just haven’t had that much experience […]

July 24th, 2006

It’s my little sister’s birthday today, but I’m sure she doesn’t want me to call her right now. It’s just after 2pm for me, which means it’s just after 4am in South Korea. Therefore, I am technically a whole day late in wishing her a happy birthday. (Shame on me!) So I’ll just do the […]


This past week we had had an hour long electrical outage, a DAY long internet outage, and a day and a HALF air conditioner outage. (OK, technically the AC still came on and blew air, the air just wasn’t cool.) During all 3 I found myself thinking “Good grief – what am I supposed to […]

Thank you

Sometimes it takes the words of a child for us to realize how much we take for granted. Nathan’s prayer at dinner last night: Dear God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for Mommy. Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for Emily. Thank you for Nathan. Thank you that I have a head. Thank […]

Kidless Week

We spent the last week without our precious kiddos while they played at Gran and Gramps’ house. They spent their time making playdough, fishing with Gramps, taking walks to the park, picking veggies from Gramps’ garden, having a picnic lunch in the playhouse, decorating their bike/trike and riding it in the July 4th parade. I […]