Take a Test Drive…

Microsoft is allowing users to download a test drive of Office 2007. (But of course you can’t keep it forever.) OpenOffice.org wants to get the word out that you can take their test drive AND keep the car. Forever. Just like always. Completely free. No strings attached. We’ve been trying OpenOffice for a few months […]

All Gone

Well, George informed me today that our former place of employment has now removed the “Remember PIN” option from their website for security reasons. Yours truly wrote the code that made that functionality work. Okay, so it only took 4 lines of code to make it work. And technically it wasn’t my code anymore since […]

Who says you have to wait till the weekend to grill?

Some days I just feel like grillin’. Can’t explain it, don’t really want to try and curtail it. All I know is, the result is generally happy customers.

A Leap Last Sum Up

My sister posted a pretty funny video from her side of the world today.

Expensive Pants

Some days I enjoy cloth diapering – other days it’s not so great. I just purchased some cloth training pants for Mr. Nate. Entering my credit card number made for a not-so-great cloth-diapering day. I can’t believe I just paid that much for only *3* pairs of training pants. I’ll just have to remind myself […]

Sunday Afternoon

George just took the kids for a ride in the bike trailer. Then went to check out the “lake” on the south side of our subdivision. The pregnant mommy stayed home. Bikes and my body don’t agree with each other very well at this stage. But I am anxiously awaiting a full report on the […]

Aunt and Uncle Visit

I meant to get this photo posted earlier this week. My sister and her husband dropped by our new place and spent the night while they were in the area this past weekend. We walked to the school playground the next morning and played with Uncle Cody’s cool yellow plane. Thanks for the visit, Britney […]


We have now located and plugged in the necessary equipment to post pics to our blog. I added several posts and dated them when they actually should have been written. The post on May 24 is the earliest one I added tonight.

Mystery Face

The previous owners left us quite a collection of random items. Not the least of which was this lovely treasure. We were stressed at the time … we laughed … laughter is good for stress.

One Week

It’s been a little over a week since we’ve been in the new house. Thanks to my mom, it’s MUCH cleaner than it was when we moved in. Thanks to all our relatives that helped out this past weekend, we have a good start on all those little to-do projects that never end. Most of […]