Sunday Afternoon
posted June 18th, 2006 by Shannon
George just took the kids for a ride in the bike trailer. Then went to check out the “lake” on the south side of our subdivision. The pregnant mommy stayed home. Bikes and my body don’t agree with each other very well at this stage. But I am anxiously awaiting a full report on the “lake”.
In the meantime, I spent a while in the kid’s room putting some toys away. Not picking them up for them, putting them AWAY for a while. I’ve found that the most effective way to help my kids keep their room cleaner is to give them less toys to play with. So, the Lincoln Logs were put away along with 2/3rd of the items in the Little People bucket, the doll clothes “corner”, and the balls/cars basket. Hopefully someday soon they will learn to (a) pick out the pieces they want to play with instead of dumping the whole bucket/basket out, (b) stop throwing things off the loft, and (c) use words to help convince the other (usually younger) sibling that doing items (a) and (b) is a bad idea that will result in a longer pick-up time for both of them! Otherwise they have been playing very well together on their own. It’s a lot of fun to walk by and see them enjoying each other’s company. And for the most part they have done a decent job about only having 1-2 things out at a time. It’s just that when all of any one item is just dumped onto the floor, it covers their entire floor space. Add all of a second item being dumped on the floor and it’s a disaster.
Speaking of toys…the remaining ballet clothes have been found. Along with the kid’s puzzles and the diaper bag and clothes for Emily’s dolls. I was glad to find them, although most of them will stay in the top of the closet for now.
Well, Happy Father’s Day to the dads out there!
Filed under: Family on June 18th, 2006
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