What a Day!
posted July 19th, 2008 by Shannon
- I got to watch as my latest niece entered this world….barely. I made it there with a mere 12 minutes to spare.
- I detoured through downtown Dallas. Twice. In the dark. The first was around midnight and was the result of a decision to not take my planned exit since it looked like a parking lot for as far as I could see. The second detour was around 2am (when the bars are closing) because the city of Dallas apparently forgot to put out the second half of their “Hwy 30 This Way” signs.
- I crawled back in bed at 3am and sweet hubby let me sleep in a couple of hours.
- Back over to Dallas again this afternoon so the kiddos could see their newest cousin. And so I could actually hold said new arrival.
- And then finally, I ran my little legs out playing kickball tonight with some friends. I can’t remember the last time I was this sore.
A wonderful day. An exhausting day. Welcome to this world, sweet niece!
Filed under: Family on July 19th, 2008
Downtown Dallas in the middle of the night might have been a little scary!!! Thanks for posting about Sam/Christi’s new baby girl. So glad you got to be there to welcome her! I can’t wait to hear more!
Oh, so exciting! While I’m here, I’ll tell you that I love the above quotes!