You know lots of stuff

posted July 21st, 2008 by George

I’m just a kid, and you’re a grown up. You know lots of stuff that I don’t know. I’m just trying to learn.
— Kat

Said during a trip to the hardware store. I was getting a bit tired of a long string of questions while I was trying to locate the items I was there to buy. I let it get to me and asked her to stop asking so many questions which irritated her and prompted the quote above.

I know she’s right; it’s not always easy being patient.

3 Responses to “You know lots of stuff”

  1. One smart kid you folks have there.

  2. This is where a grand parent takes over and talkes about a lot of old stuff until the kids get tired.

  3. Oh goodness! Thanks for sharing that experience.

    Out of the mouths of babes! I imagine most parents reading this blog can relate to your lack of patience.

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