Better than if you just pulled it out of the ground

One of the things we miss about San Antonio is H-E-B. (That would be the grocery store, not the school district we are currently in.) Another thing we miss is the Spurs. Sure, we can still watch the games here, but it’s not the same. Put those two together and what do you have? Spurs […]


In addition to last year’s list, I am also thankful for: Hannah-bear and our midwives Alisa and Ann ~ Our S.A. friends (we sure miss you guys!) ~ Our new community of faith ~ Our health ~ Thrift stores ~ Books that make me think ~ George’s new job ~ Our families (I know I said that last year too, […]

Trick or Treat anyone?

692 Well, we took the kids trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood this year. We had a great time. Emily dressed up as a fairy and Nathan decided to be a brown bear. Hannah picked a cute pink flower costume her mommy made. 696 In the past years in SA, we really didn’t get much traffic […]

Who’s your anti-virus?

I recently found out that the free anti-virus software we have been using for years is no longer going to be free. Ouch. As a result, I’m now on the hunt for a new solution. We have been using a hardware firewall and the free anti-virus software with occasional scans from an online virus scan. […]