Who’s your anti-virus?
posted November 4th, 2006 by George
I recently found out that the free anti-virus software we have been using for years is no longer going to be free. Ouch.
As a result, I’m now on the hunt for a new solution. We have been using a hardware firewall and the free anti-virus software with occasional scans from an online virus scan. I want to find a good anti-virus software and a good Internet filter software. So, I thought I’d launch an informal survey here of our readers and/or friends. What do you use for your Internet security solution?
Filed under: Geek Talk on November 4th, 2006
I use Blake, my trusty hubby!
But he says he uses Symantec . . . gets it free, but he says he’d use it even if he had to pay. 🙂
We use AVG and it seems to work OK. There is another called bitdefender that I have heard a lot of good things about also.
AVG is what we’ve been using as well, but it’s not going to be free anymore after January I think. I like it ok for a free product, but I’m not convinced it’s the best one if I’m going to have to start paying for it. It seems to take a long time to run every day and it really sucks up my CPU durring the run.
Had not heard that AVG was going to start charging. Guess I’ll get more serious about checking into bitdefender. Did notice that someone posted some cute fishin pictures at:
Uninstalled AVG and installed BitDefender – free edition.
Tried to send email — if I replied to an email, then it went through. If I typed in the address and sent it, then it did not go through. Uninstalled bitdefender and the emails would go through if I just typed the address. Strange behavior. Am using Calypso as the email client – guess I will try the same experiment with outlook..
It looks like I was wrong about AVG. Should have read the fine print. There is still going to be a free version of their software available. I Received a message saying that it would expire, when I clicked the link I was given several options to buy their new version. I selected the complete products list, and found a link to the new free version at the very bottom of the page. Haven’t installed it yet.