Shannon’s List

My turn. In no particular order, I am thankful for: Snuggles, giggles from my children, Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Squares, grace, computers, WordPress, wildflowers, George’s smoothies, God’s patience, parents, Emily, Nathan, our third child that we never got to hold, parents-in-law, conversation, friends that are real and let me be real, sisters, sisters-in-law, Celtic music, God’s […]

George’s List

Not necessarily in any particular order; here are just a few of the people, things, etc that I am thankful for. Shannon, Emily, Nathan, tickles, Coffee, The Holy Spirit, Cheerios that crunch underfoot, my job, Parents, Parents-in-law, the Discovery channel, my wonderful wife, friends that actually listen and care, Grandpa, authors that make me think, […]