All but one
posted July 9th, 2005 by Shannon
I ran some errands yesterday morning and cat #6 was a chrysalis when we got back. At 8pm last night we though #7, #8, and #9 were close so we let Emily stay up for a little longer. Unfortunately, the cats did not understand our schedule and we sent E to bed at 10pm without seeing the show. I sent myself to bed at 11:30 and George gave up on them around midnight. Nathan woke up around 4:30 and after I took care of him, I took a peek to find #7 and #8 had changed while we were sleeping. I stayed up for a little while because #9 looked SO ready. I gave up about 5, but I could not go back to sleep. I figured that if I wasn’t going to get any sleep anyway, I might as well try to get a better video of the event. I crawled back out of bed and around 5:30 it finally happened. The whole thing only took about 5 minutes again. I woke George up and he watched it with me, though I think it took his eyes and brain a few minutes to go from sleeping mode to fascination mode.
I do think we got a good video of it, but it will take some time to get it off the video camera and into cyberworld.
Filed under: Adventures, Family on July 9th, 2005
YEAH!!!!! I am very sorry that you got little sleep last night but am SO EXCITED about your catching the change on video! I can’t wait to see it!!!!