A New Kind of Christmas

We get frustrated by all the greed and commercialism that we see this time of year. At the same time, many of us are also annoyed (and frustrated and some even angry) when retailers, employers, etc. remove the word “Christmas” from their holiday vocabulary. It’s Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. It’s a Holiday Party […]

Back Home

We made it back home Sunday morning at 12:15am. We had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations (only 2 of which involved turkey and dressing), slept at 3 different homes, and spent 22 hours in the car. We saw 6 grandparents, 4 parents, 5 siblings/siblings-in-law, 6 aunts, 6 uncles, 20 cousins/cousins-in-law, 11 first cousins once removed (I had […]

Shannon’s List

My turn. In no particular order, I am thankful for: Snuggles, giggles from my children, Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Squares, grace, computers, WordPress, wildflowers, George’s smoothies, God’s patience, parents, Emily, Nathan, our third child that we never got to hold, parents-in-law, conversation, friends that are real and let me be real, sisters, sisters-in-law, Celtic music, God’s […]

George’s List

Not necessarily in any particular order; here are just a few of the people, things, etc that I am thankful for. Shannon, Emily, Nathan, tickles, Coffee, The Holy Spirit, Cheerios that crunch underfoot, my job, Parents, Parents-in-law, the Discovery channel, my wonderful wife, friends that actually listen and care, Grandpa, authors that make me think, […]


I have really been struggling with what to write regarding the events of the past few days. Some things are very hard to capture into words. On Thursday afternoon of last week, I received the call I have been dreading for some time now. My Mom told me about the passing of my Grandfather. There […]

Weigh In

Had the kids officially weighed today. One weighs 32.6 pounds and the other weighs 31.8 – anyone care to guess which is which?

Zoo, bees, pickles and bananas

The kids and I headed out to the zoo today. Usually we meet friends at the zoo but this time we went solo. It was a nice. I was able to talk more with the kids (and now that Nathan is talking a lot more, that was really fun) and they had more say in […]

Battling the bug…

Well, the past week has been quite a challenge here at our house. We have all been sick with some type of stomach virus. The kiddos got it first. They were both sick at some time over the weekend, then it hit Shannon and I on Tuesday. I will spare you of all the details. […]

GeorgeAndShannon.com Version 3.0

The long awaited and greatly anticipated upgrade is finally here. Actually, I bet that none of you even knew that we were working on an upgrade did you? We hope you like the new design. We have installed a blog software called WordPress. We’re really diggin the flexibility and all the extra features and plugins. […]

In case you did not know…

Cleaning vomit from the crevices of a car seat is NOT a fun activity. Ewww!