Unbelievable Yo-Yo Videos

For my yo-yo buddy Devin (and anyone else interested in super cool yo-yo videos), Well, I guess it’s time I come out and admit that I’m a wannabe yo-yo geek. You may think it’s lame or you may recognize the sheer coolness of the yo and those who wield it. No matter where you stand […]

Everybody’s got a water buffalo….

We saw these tonight. At least we think they might be water buffalo. But even if they are not, it’s still a cool title.

Emily’s First Chess Game

Emily wanted to use some of her Christmas money from Granny (Shannon’s grandmother) to by a Chinese checkers game. She had never played Chinese checkers before, but I guess a board shaped like a star with marbles on it looks pretty fun to a 4-year-old. So we shopped around and finally decided on one of […]

South African WebCam

This is so cool. My friend, Jen, told me about this site over a month ago. It’s a webcam set up in Kruger National Park in South Africa. I’ve been checking it out occassionally, but tonight was the first night I actually saw an animal. I have no idea what it is, but there’s a […]

New Photo Album

Well, I’ve been working on a new photo album. It’s not quite where I want it to be yet, but I have decided to go ahead and expose it to the world. I’m using a software called Gallery2. This is an open source project that I have been watching for a few years now. I […]


This morning, the kids and I headed out to do some shopping. Within walking distance from the first store was a Goodwill. Inside Goodwill, in the toy aisle, was an EleFun game. Emily played this game at a friend’s house MONTHS ago and has been asking for one ever since. They usually cost somewhere between […]

A nice Saturday

Today was the first Saturday in a very long time that we have not been out of town and have not had something to do most of the day. How refreshing. George’s Kamut/Oatmeal/Pecan Pancakes were eaten. Short-sleeved things were boxed away and long-sleeved things were pulled out. (Obviously some short-sleeved things were left out for […]