Her name is…

posted September 1st, 2006 by Shannon


Hannah Michelle. Thanks for being patient while we decided on that. Keep reading if you want a very short version of the birth story….I woke up with contractions around 2:45am and had contractions all stinking day long. They stayed around 10-15 minutes apart and weren’t too bad, but they were definitely the real thing. And there would definitely be no sleeping or napping through them. We went on a walk, I ate, I showered, I tried to sleep (ha!), I watched a movie, I played with the kids. Nothing made them slow down or go away, but nothing made them increase in intensity either.

It wasn’t until about 8:30pm that the contractions really started to pick up. At this point, I was getting quite tired and exhausted. Somewhere along there, George called our midwife to give her another update, but I didn’t know if it was really time for her to come out or not. Thankfully she says she’ll head our way.

I decided to get in the tub, but the tub wasn’t as magic as I was hoping it would be (though I hear that for some women it is). I had a little bit of a mental breakdown in the tub thinking I couldn’t handle any more. I know better. I know that when I think I can’t handle it any more, that probably means I’m just about there. I tried to tell myself that, but my brain just wouldn’t believe it.

Our midwife arrives, checks me, and I only have a tiny bit more to go. It still took a while before the baby came down far enough and I felt ready to push, but that time did eventually come. Seven minutes of pushing and our baby was out. My mom had just woken Emily up so she was there in time to watch our baby enter this world and announce “It’s a girl!” Hannah was born at 12:46am – 22 hours after the first contractions of the morning. (Longer than my first two labors combined!)

We’re SO glad she’s FINALLY here and it was a terrific birth. But we’re all very tired and I’m going to bed! Good night!

3 Responses to “Her name is…”

  1. Actually, I wanted to name my oldest daughter with the name of Hannah – but, it was vetoed by my wife. She didn’t think that Hannah Canada had the right ring to it. Actually, Hannah Anna Canada sort of rolls (or flops) off the tongue.
    Love to all, bc

  2. Oh yes, it seems interesting stories of the naming process stick around for… forever. I hear one of the possible names for me was Laura Myrtle. I think that idea was short lived, but it was enough for my sisters to make fun of me when I was older.

    When Hannah gets bigger you should let her know her big sister wanted to name her “Hannah Broyles Broyles” or “Hannah Canada Broyles.” That’s pretty cute.

    Anyways, we’re very happy, and are anxious to see her and the rest of the family. 🙂

    –Aunt Lala & Uncle Clint

  3. Hi, George and Shannon (and family!!)

    This is Tonya from ASU. I hope you are all doing well. I’ve recently been in touch with Devina V. and she told me about your blog. I’ve been checking each day or so looking for news! CONGRATS and blessings to you all! May God give you each strength and peace and extreme JOY as you celebrate Hannah’s arrival! She’s beautiful!


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