“Of course it was. They had records back then, right?”

posted February 19th, 2007 by Shannon

Said today by E, right after N asked “Mommy, was it a very, very, very long time ago when you were a kid?”

4 Responses to ““Of course it was. They had records back then, right?””

  1. How precious my grandkids are! They made me laugh this morning after reading this conversation. Did you laugh? I wonder how many very’s Nathan would use to describe me?

  2. Yeah, we had records before 8-tracks. Of course we had digital music back then also. That is what they played the guitars and pianos with – digits….. Oh, one more thing, please – please – nobody answer the rhetorical question about ‘verys’ that Gran asked in the previous post. Thanks, thanks very much…

  3. i remember when we listened to grooves etched onto clay tablets with a bone stylus.

  4. By my calculations, I’m 20% younger than you… so I think I would fall into the age bracket for only “very, very long time ago.”

    My dad is 46% older, though I will respect him and not answer mom’s question (And, besides it would make my head hurt.) 🙂

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