One Week Ago :: Monday
posted May 19th, 2008 by Shannon

Cousins at the park.
Kat and Tiger are coming back today with Gran, but they won’t leave until this afternoon. Bear and I ran a few errands and found ourselves only a few miles from my sister-in-law, Christy. The cousins played at a park for a little while and then we had a quick dinner with them before heading home.

Kat arriving home and running to get a hug.
I drove as quickly as (legally) possible to get home just before my mom and the other kids. The too-quiet-house problem was a distant memory now as they were talking over each other to tell me about their adventures at Gran and Gramps’ house.
I know the team in El Salvador is pretty busy, but I still didn’t hear from George today. *sigh*
Filed under: Adventures, Family on May 19th, 2008
We did have a lot of fun – saw some owls, went fishing, read Cinderella and Harry the Dirty Dog. Basicaly, in general, we had a grand ole time. I think we should do it again, sometime.