One Week Ago :: Saturday
posted May 17th, 2008 by Shannon
The alarm went off at 5:00 AM and George headed to his closet to get dressed. At 5:05 he went to put his suitcase on the porch. The driver wasn’t expected for another 20 minutes, but George wanted to be ready as soon as he pulled up. Twenty second later I hear “Uh, sweetie, he’s already here.” So, at 5:07 AM I’m outside waving bye to George for a week.
The phone rang at 8:10 AM. I knew George’s first flight had just landed in Houston. Only it wasn’t George calling. It was Kat calling from Gran’s house.
“Mom, did you know that Daddy put notes in our suitcase for us?”
Then, “I got a dollar for my tooth.â€
I commented about the tooth fairy finding her at Gran’s house.
To that she replied, “Mom, you know, I KNOW the secret!”
Sweet girl. They are having fun.
Just before 9 the phone rang again. This time it was George and he had only a few minutes to talk.

I watched the flight status online until they took off. Then Bear and I headed out to get a few things done. When we returned home, I had a phone message from George saying they had arrived safely. Later that evening I received a text message from him saying that they were now at their hotel and it was quite nice. A phone call, a message on the machine, and a text message. Three in one day. How nice!
Filed under: Adventures, Family on May 17th, 2008
We have heard all about Grammy and Grandad’s trip to Hawaii and we can’t wait to hear about George’s trip. I love mission trips and it has been 6 years since I have been on one after going on one every summer for 6 years. I hope to start going on mission trips as a family in the not so distant future. Needless to say, this week I was a little anxious to get out of the house and travel with all the exciting trips that my family members were on without me!