One Week Ago :: Sunday

I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep. The house was just too quiet. After breakfast Kat and Tiger called on the phone to wish me Happy Mother’s Day. Kat asked if I had opened my envelope yet. Oops, I had forgotten! Last week she wrote a letter, put “Open on Mother’s Day” […]

One Week Ago :: Saturday

The alarm went off at 5:00 AM and George headed to his closet to get dressed. At 5:05 he went to put his suitcase on the porch. The driver wasn’t expected for another 20 minutes, but George wanted to be ready as soon as he pulled up. Twenty second later I hear “Uh, sweetie, he’s […]

One Week Ago :: Friday

This is the first in a multi-part series. If things go as planned, you can see a new post here everyday for a while. Check back again soon. This morning Daddy took Kat and Tiger to the bagel shop for a breakfast date. I hear they had a good time. When they returned home we […]

I laughed and I cried….

I laughed a real out-loud laugh here and I cried a real eye-watering cry here. Thanks, Duane and Elisa! You guys are great. I’m so glad we’ve had the chance to know you and be your friends.

Drinking Poop Kills

Some Facts: The science is simple: drinking poop kills. Nobody wants to drink poop… but when water comes from a shallow well and the only place to do your business is a pit latrine, it happens. — Quoted from 1.1 Billion very important people lack access to clean water. They drink from polluted lakes […]