State Fair
posted October 19th, 2006 by Shannon
(Ackk. Another picture I should have turned before I uploaded them.) I’ve already been asked twice about this photo so I better go ahead an explain it. Last week we took the kids to the state fair. They had a good time. N’s favorite activities were the ferris wheel and the lighted parade. (Mommy opinion: I thought the ferris wheel was way too expensive and that the lighted parade was a bit too cheesy for me.) E put those two actiities on her favorite list along with the addition of this kid’s farm. The kids walked through this activity while pretending to be farmers. There were signs instructing them on what to do: water a tree, pick a peach off the tree and put it in your basket, plant a seed, harvest some vegetables, feed corn to this sheep, etc. Along the way they collected many things (a peach, an egg, a bit of wool, a vegetable, a carton of milk) and near the end they were able to ‘sell’ their goods for a pretend dollar which could be spent in the store to buy a pack of gummi snacks. Actually 3 packs of gummi snacks – too bad they had some gooey stuff in the middle and the kids (and grown-ups) all thought they were yucky. So that’s where the chicken picture comes from. And no, they were not real.
This year’s state fair trip was a bit last-minute for us. Next year I think we’ll plan a little more in advance and we’ll likely have the kids save up some money to pay for their own $6 ferris wheel ticket. We’re glad we went though. The kids did great. Hannah slept pretty much the whole time in the sling. It was a long day, but very fun.
Filed under: Adventures, Family on October 19th, 2006
I would say “that is a good thing” that they had gooey stuff in the middle and everybody thought they were yucky so you didn’t have that nasty sugar in your body. 🙂 I guess it was disappointing for Emily that she didn’t get to enjoy the reward for doing “all of the chores” I have read twice about the fried coke at the Texas State Fair. Were you tempted to try any of that? Sure sounds like a fun family outing. Glad Hannah slept through most of it this year!
No fried coke for us. No fried marshmallows, fried oreos, or fried bologna for us either. George did try the Tornado Taters and we found the $1 hot dog stand, but we also brought in quite a few snacks and our own water. We were tempted by the Root Beer, but were able to resist it – probably because we knew we had a 2 liter bottle of root beer sitting at home. I had just bought it that week at the grocery store for 77 cents. After the kids were in bed we each had a glass or two of nice cold root beer. So we got some nasty sugar in our bodies anyway.
I actually had some nasty sugar this week also. We went to eat at Martha Ann’s Woman’s Club last Tuesday. Someone at our table who knew that I try to eat healthy was asking me questions about sugar/alternative sweetners. They had just asked if I ever break down and eat something sweet and I assured them I did but it usually was something that was one of my very favorites. They asked me what I eat when I “splurge” at the exact same time the waitress started bring around strawberry cheese cake. I told them I was going to taste that and if it was “really a good cheesecake” I would be splurging tonight. It was and I did!!! I have been eating well the remainder of this week to give my immune system a chance to build back up after that really rich sugar splurge!
Ok, you went from a description of Alamo Cafe to discussing fried coke. What, fried coke! I googled it, and ewwww! We got a funnel cake at the county fair this summer, we ate it, then we wished we hadn’t!!! It’s amazing to me what Americans will eat.