Battling the bug…
posted November 10th, 2005 by George
Well, the past week has been quite a challenge here at our house. We have all been sick with some type of stomach virus. The kiddos got it first. They were both sick at some time over the weekend, then it hit Shannon and I on Tuesday. I will spare you of all the details. I’ll just say that things were not at all pretty around here, and I really feel sorry for the garbage man who is coming tomorrow.
I think the hardest of all was for Shannon and I to be sick at the same time. Neither of us could take care of the other, and the kids (always needy of course) had a hard time understanding why we couldn’t help them with all the usual tasks. There was one really sweet moment though, when we were both laid out in the living room and Emily was trying to wait on us. Without us even asking her to help, she brought us some water and bread and did what she could to comfort us. She can be quite a little sweetheart at times.
On a slightly different note, I decided to approach my illness a little different this time around. Usually, when I’m so sick that I can hardly move, I spend all day in front of the TV feeling sorry for myself. For some reason, this time I felt like maybe God was trying to get my attention. I certainly didn’t want to see what He would resort to next, so I thought I’d listen. So instead of my usual routine of watching a bunch of worthless junk on TV, I just lay there in silence and tried to talk to Him. I didn’t just pray for healing either (although that certainly came up). It was a strange conversation I suppose as I drifted in and out of consciousness, but it was comforting and somewhat relaxing too. I’m learning how important it is to just slow down and be silent before God. Our lives have become so hectic and overwhelming that I often leave little to no time for Him. I wish I could say that I received some grand revelation about my life and direction, but I guess it doesn’t always work out that way, does it?
Reading what you have said about your illness this week has certainly brought back alot of old memories for me. While it is always a unpleasant experience to be ill, being ill with small children responsibalities can only be understood by another parent who has had similar experences. I guess it is part of our human-ness to draw closser to God in times of need. When every thing is going great, we often forget that God is in control. I hope that my faith is not so shallow that I only seek His comfort and wisdom when I am too ill to go out in the shop or do any thing else. I hope all of you recover soon. And remember to take the time to just be quite and still, to listen for God to revel if He chooses to.(try speaking out loud to God in the garage):)
Thanks for sharing this, George.
I’m glad you guys are feeling better, that had to of been quite a challenge for all of you.