Back Home
posted November 28th, 2005 by Shannon
We made it back home Sunday morning at 12:15am. We had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations (only 2 of which involved turkey and dressing), slept at 3 different homes, and spent 22 hours in the car. We saw 6 grandparents, 4 parents, 5 siblings/siblings-in-law, 6 aunts, 6 uncles, 20 cousins/cousins-in-law, 11 first cousins once removed (I had to look that one up), and 1 nephew. (My apologies if I left anyone out!) We attended Grandpa’s funeral, saw a monsterous model train display, picked cotton from the side of the road, played Parchessi, decorated a gingerbread house, helped set up and participated in an Open Source Christmas Tree, attended a craft fair, and picked out this year’s Christmas pajamas. Whew! It was a very good 9 day trip, but we were also very glad to be back home!
Filed under: Family on November 28th, 2005
Hey, thanks for the help on the OPEN SOURCE Christmas tree. I found out today that it was the WINNER – top prize. I don’t know if there is any physical prize associated with being first but braggin rights are worth something. In most places, $2 and braggin rights will buy a cup of coffee…..
That’s great! Shannon and I both thought it was a really cool idea. I was just trying to describe the tree to some of my friends at work today. Do you have a picture that we could post here?