Sometimes it takes the words of a child for us to realize how much we take for granted. Nathan’s prayer at dinner last night: Dear God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for Mommy. Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for Emily. Thank you for Nathan. Thank you that I have a head. Thank […]
Filed under: Faith, Family on July 11th, 2006 | 1 Comment »
Wow, I can’t believe that it has already been 5 weeks since I quit my job! The time does fly. Some of you may not even know about all of the big changes we are going through right now. I have been intending to post about this for some time. I wanted to wait until […]
Filed under: Faith, Family, Thoughts on April 4th, 2006 | 2 Comments »
It’s been an intersting month. We’re very excited to add another cousin to the family and very excited for George’s brother and his wife. And Baby Katherine is definitely an adorable little girl. But the week she arrived was a tough week for me. I had received a call on Tuesday that my sister was […]
Filed under: Faith, Thoughts on March 16th, 2006 | 3 Comments »
I had a conversation with Emily several weeks ago that I keep thinking about. The weather outside was nice and I agreed to let her lay down on our porch swing in the backyard for her rest time. The back of the swing folds down and actually makes something like a small bed. Since there […]
Filed under: Faith, Thoughts on February 12th, 2006 | 2 Comments »
We get frustrated by all the greed and commercialism that we see this time of year. At the same time, many of us are also annoyed (and frustrated and some even angry) when retailers, employers, etc. remove the word “Christmas” from their holiday vocabulary. It’s Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. It’s a Holiday Party […]
Filed under: Faith, Thoughts on November 29th, 2005 | 5 Comments »
Well, the past week has been quite a challenge here at our house. We have all been sick with some type of stomach virus. The kiddos got it first. They were both sick at some time over the weekend, then it hit Shannon and I on Tuesday. I will spare you of all the details. […]
Filed under: Faith, Family on November 10th, 2005 | 2 Comments »