Time to blog about our trip back to San Antonio a couple of weekends ago. Our wonderful friends in our Sunday School class graciously hosted a baby shower for us and two other pregnant mommies. So we headed down south to see some old friends. I felt so blessed to have so many people who cared so much for us to go through the trouble of having a shower for us when we’re not part of their group anymore. It was a wonderful shower and we won’t need to buy diapers or wipes for a while! Thanks everyone!
While the women were inside doing shower stuff, George and the kids played outside. (The host had an amazing backyard!) Our kids were so excited to spend some time playing with Shane. I hear weekly (if not more often) that they miss Shane. Particularly from Nathan. Almost on the same excitement scale as playing with Shane was getting to drive this big tractor. Okay, so Nathan’s not driving it in this picture, but he did drive it later.
Our friends Casey and Hannah allowed us to sleep at their home. We’ve known them for several years, but sometimes the busyness of life keeps people from really getting to know each other. We really enjoyed visiting with them in the evenings. On top of that, they have a cute new baby girl too!
We had the opportunity to eat ONE meal at a restaurant in San Antonio. The obvious choice was Mexican, but narrowing it down to just one restaurant was the difficult part. In the end, my favorite won: Alamo Cafe. The big one, of course. It was great weather for sitting outside too. Ahhh! Freshly made tortillas, gooey cheesy queso, tasty brisket quesadillas dipped in guacamole … oh wait, I ordered the enchiladas instead. Bummer. They were good, but I should have stuck with my old favorite. I had not realized how much my husband’s taste buds had grown on me until we moved here. We just haven’t found a place here that can really compare to the Mexican food we can find there. But enough about food because it’s making me hungry.
We got to visit with Alisa for about 45 minutes. She was our midwife while we were there. We were all a bit bummed we couldn’t visit for longer, but it was certainly better than nothing. She got to hold Hannah and see our other kids and we got to talk about birthing stuff with her. Fun stuff.
Speaking of baby Hannah…Thanks to her and two children with small bladders, the drives there and back took 7 and a half hours each. That part of the trip was not fun. We took an alternate route on the way back and after 5 long hours we reached the halfway point between San Antonio and G’s parent’s house. We were SO glad to not be making that trip this time.
There were a few people on our list of people we wanted to see that we did not get to see, but we did see a lot of old friends. We even drove by our old house. Good grief, that was harder than I thought it would be. The kids did fine with it, but I didn’t do so well. I do like our new house just fine, but I find myself really missing our old one too. It was very strange driving down the familiar roads and highways of San Antonio. It felt like home, but it wasn’t. It seemed like we had never been gone. The roads were so familiar, I found myself almost thinking I’d been driving them just yesterday. But then we’d see a new store that had been completely build while we were gone. More than once I had to remind myself that this wasn’t home anymore. We are still glad that we made the decision to move, but I sure wish I could transplant all of San Antonio a little closer to us so we could pop on over and visit anytime we wanted.
Oh well, too much sadness for this late at night. My keyboard’s getting wet. It was a wonderful visit. Thanks to our friends in S.A. for making our trip a great one. (For those friends we didn’t get to see, or didn’t get to see for very long, we’ll try to plan a little more in advance next time!) Good night.
Filed under: Adventures, Family on October 21st, 2006 | 3 Comments »