
posted October 23rd, 2006 by Shannon

Christy had some coupons to the Dallas Zoo that were about to expire so we took our first official field trip of our homeschooling year. It was a great trip. Oddly enough, the only photo I came home with included no kids and no animals. Emily took this photo of Christy and I taking a break to feed some hungry babies.


Speaking of the two mommies, besides being slightly different colors, Christy and I have identical diaper bag backpacks. For a while we were walking side-by-side, each wearing our identical backpacks, each wearing a baby in a sling, and each pushing an empty stroller. We must have been a sight.

The sad news of the day is that Nathan lost his blue squid toy somewhere in the zoo. Maybe now they will understand a little better why we say time and time again that they need to leave their toys in the car.

3 Responses to “Zoo”

  1. Crunchy mamas rule! Katherine and I had a fun day on her frist trip to the zoo. We do have pictures with kids and animals as well and will post them to our blog sometime.

  2. Crunchy mamas – too funny! Sooooo sorry about the blue squid – was he really upset???

  3. Yea, he’s still pretty sad about it. He tells me at least a couple times a day that he really really wants that blue squid back. We may have to put the other ones away for a while to quit reminding him of it.