posted April 11th, 2007 by George
Here are a couple more pictures from Easter Sunday.
Here’s our Family all dressed up.
That afternoon the kids had a good time decorating some boiled eggs. We started out with a dozen, and ended up with nine. Guess that’s not a bad percentage.
Filed under: Family on April 11th, 2007 | 3 Comments »
posted April 9th, 2007 by George
We had a great Easter Weekend. On Saturday, we hosted a cookout at our home. My parents came into town; my brother and his wife came from Dallas with their little girl; and my sister and her husband came with their son. The day started early with building a fire in the smoker. The brisket was added at 5:00 AM and a rack of pork spare ribs was added later that afternoon. It was a bit of work to prepare the meat and tend the fire all day, but it’s a labor of love for me. I really enjoy the process and folks seemed to be happy with the results.
The weather didn’t exactly cooporate with my plans though. It was quite cold and snowed off and on throughout the day. The ground was too warm for any accumulation though. The others teased me about wearing a T-shirt and shorts on a day like that, but I just refused to accept anything less than a sunny barbecue day.
The kids all enjoyed an egg hunt. We made our two older ones wait inside while the others had a head start. You can tell they look a bit concerned that there will not be enough eggs left for them. We wanted to have more pictures to share, but the camera batteries died in the process.
Filed under: Family on April 9th, 2007 | 2 Comments »
posted March 9th, 2007 by Shannon
H’s been sitting in her high chair at the table with us for a few weeks now (just playing with toys). Tonight she got her first non-mommy-milk food. Poor 3rd child. E’s first meal was planned well in advance with plenty of photos to capture the moment. N’s first meal was planned and well photographed as well. H pretty much got store-bought dehydrated peas thrown on her tray. And I didn’t even pay close enough attention to see if any actually went into her mouth or not. But we DID get a picture of her and the peas!!
UPDATE: I now know that some peas DID make it into her mouth. Today’s diaper held evidence that at least two peas made it through her system.
Filed under: Family on March 9th, 2007 | 6 Comments »
posted March 8th, 2007 by Shannon
Said by E tonight as she was telling us something about different languages. Uhmm, that would be French, my dear. FRENCH!
Filed under: Family, Quote of the Day on March 8th, 2007 | No Comments »
posted February 27th, 2007 by Shannon
It’s such beautiful weather down here. N was playing outside by himself today after lunch. I walked by the window to check on him and he was sitting in the grass staring at the sky. I did a double take because N doesn’t just SIT and stare at the sky. I then did a triple take because his shorts didn’t look quite right. Or, should I say, his lack of shorts. They were around his ankles. I walked outside and caught a whiff of what was sitting underneath the boy’s bum. I have no idea how long he had been sitting there or when he was going to move. He said he was too scared to come inside.
I have two sisters. I’m positive we never did anything like that.
Filed under: Family on February 27th, 2007 | 5 Comments »
posted February 22nd, 2007 by Shannon
WARNING: Frosted shredded mini-wheats can be hazardous to your skin. When mini-wheat crumbs are left on a surface and allowed to dry, particularly for 12 hours or more, they will harden and can become razor sharp. Attempting to wipe the hardened shreaded mini-wheat crumbs off the table with one’s hand has been known to result in painful cutting of the skin.
Ouch! Definitely time for our kid(s) to learn how to wipe the table down after each meal, particularly messy ones. This is worse than a paper cut!
Filed under: Family on February 22nd, 2007 | 1 Comment »
posted February 19th, 2007 by George
It’s true that kids will sometimes fight over anything. We just went through a few days of morning fights over who got to use a “special” spoon. I try to get the kids involved in meal preparations as much as I can. When you’re serving up cereal for breakfast there isn’t a whole lot to do, but I still like to give them something. I started asking them to help get out spoons and bowls. Little did I know that this would spark a controversy over who got to pick the coveted Dora spoon (that’s Dora the Explorer for the uninitiated amongst you). I tried reasoning with them, I tried taking turns with the spoon (but who can really keep that straight early in the morning), I even tried going back to the daddy picks the spoons model, but to no avail. One morning I told them to come to the kitchen for breakfast. One child obeyed right away and the other was delayed. I thought it would be a great chance to encourage obedience by allowing Nathan to pick the spoon he wanted. Here’s what happened next. Read more »
Filed under: Family on February 19th, 2007 | 3 Comments »
posted February 19th, 2007 by Shannon
Said today by E, right after N asked “Mommy, was it a very, very, very long time ago when you were a kid?”
Filed under: Quote of the Day on February 19th, 2007 | 4 Comments »
posted February 11th, 2007 by Shannon
It’s handy having a sister that is good at photography. Hannah had a photo shoot today.
Check our Photo Album for a couple of the best pictures.
(By the way, if you look really, REALLY close you may be able to see her first tooth. Found just yesterday by her Gran. It’s the front tooth on the bottom right (her right).
Filed under: Family on February 11th, 2007 | 3 Comments »
posted February 11th, 2007 by Shannon
This is the tale of two pencils that once belonged to two students whose class load was filled with pencil-intense classes such as math and computer science. The two pencils dutifully served those students well during Calculus III, Linear Algebra, Abstract Math, Assembler II, and so forth. Finally after such dedicated service, they rested. And rested. In the back of a very dark drawer. When the drawer was opened, the students’ hands reached for the newer, stronger 0.9 lead pencils. As time passed, smaller hands began reaching in the drawer. The small hands went for the pencils decorated with hearts, sparkles, basketballs or cars. And so the two lonely pencils remained mostly untouched for many years. Until the day they were brought forth once again. The two students they had served so well smiled sweetly at them, reminisced a bit, and then announced that the 0.5 lead remaining in their cavities was now needed for another recipient. They had broken parts, worn-down erasers, and missing pocket clips. With their lead now removed, they could serve the students no more. And thus, after a quick parting photo, they were then dropped into another dark place. Where their journey took them after that, the students will never know.
Goodbye dear pencils, you served us well.
Filed under: Family on February 11th, 2007 | 5 Comments »