MagnaDoodle Fight
posted February 15th, 2006 by Shannon
We have 2 travel-sized MagnaDoodles that we keep in the car, but both our kids prefer the blue (newer) one. Emily picked the blue MagnaDoodle up yesterday as she was climbing into her seat and Nathan got very upset that she had it and not him. The problem is that when Nathan says MagnaDoodle, it sounds exactly like MagnaDoo-Doo. So here I am trying to look him sternly in the face and tell him he may NOT yell about it, blah, blah, blah. And there he is yelling over and over (very clearly) that he WANTS to BLUE MagnaDOO-DOO. And the more he said it, the more he drew it out so he was eventually saying (er, yelling) Maaagnaaa-DOOOOO-DOOOOO. He was saying it in such an innocent way that I just could not finish without completely cracking up. After several attempts I just closed his door, got into my seat, and started the car. I guess he somehow knew (much better than I thought he did) what was going on because the next thing I heard from the backseat was Nathan sadly saying, “Mommy, it’s HARD to say that.” Of course, I then felt bad for laughing at my sweet not-yet-2-and-a-half-year-old’s innocent attempt at verbal communication. Hopefully it won’t scar him for life.
Filed under: Family on February 15th, 2006
That is sooo funny! (the pronunciation part, not the fighting part)
Yes, I too chuckled when I have heard Nathan say MagnaDoodle the last time we were there!