It’s Orange!

posted March 22nd, 2006 by Shannon

…and other random thoughts…

I went to the ATM today and got a couple of the new orange $10 bills. I like the way they look just fine, but had to laugh when I came home and saw a very green $10 bill with a cartoon-ish drawing of Hamilton from the kid’s play money stash. The two don’t look much alike at all now. It’s interesting to think Nathan will probably never remember the time when money was not colored like monopoly money.

Our neighbor’s grandkid was seen walking across our large planter box thing this afternoon. We used to see stray cats do that all the time, but never someone else’s 2-year-old child. The window was open so we could hear the mom creep over and whisper-yell to the kid to get down before “their daddy catches you.” Like George is some big, scary monster. The whole situation was actually funny to me, but probably would have been less funny if there were actually flowers in the planter box.

My kids had a really bad evening tonight. While waiting for dinner to be placed on the table Nathan used his fork to etch circular scribbles and gouge fork-sized dots onto our kitchen table. (Luckily our table is a light color and is not a fancy table.) Emily apparently then followed his lead, made one long scratch across the table and THEN attempted to cover up the scratch by marking over it WITH AN INK PEN!!! WHAT could she have been thinking?? (They both lost fork privileges for a while over this one.)

And speaking of Emily, she is all of a sudden talking to anyone who has 2 ears. She’s telling them her name, that she’s 5, she has a bike, she has a brother, his name is Nathan, he is 2, she loves him very much, … and then Nathan chimes in with he likes yellow, he likes balls, Emily’s birthday is in February, his birthday is in SEP-TEM-BER (which always must be said loudly and in 3 distinct syllables). WHERE did these kids come from?

Oh, and I almost forgot, I got to be geeky today!! George was having some trouble with something he was coding for his current project and asked if I’d look at it with him. I let him talk me through the code, asked him a couple questions, suggested a few places to print out more debug messages and WAH-LAH, the problem was found. And this happened not just once, but twice!! He was responsible for finding the error both times but promises that my ‘help’ was very valuable. I still think maybe I was just sitting in the lucky chair because I know so very little about php and PostNuke modules. But since toddlers and logic don’t mix, it was a nice treat for me to get to use that part of my brain again for a little while today.

3 Responses to “It’s Orange!”

  1. Oh… wow… quite a variety in this post, though I enjoyed it and shared it all with Clint.

    So, orange money, eh? That’s crazy. We looked for a picture of the new money but only found a small image. That’ll be an interesting surprise to adjust to upon our return!

    Despite the laughter I enjoyed, I’ve very sorry to hear about the kitchen table… kiddos… oh, the joys to look forward to. I’m a little worried, seeing as how I’m not handling my 1st and 2nd graders too well these days.

    I miss you guys, but I enjoy the stories you share. Glad that you were able to do some logic work with that smart brain of yours!

    Love ya.

  2. I saw my first ORANGE bill when I was in the church office yesterday. I was the only one there who hadn’t seen one yet. I was feeling like I needed to get out more but since yesterday was your first day to see one also I feel better.

    I recently shared my “microphone story” about shy and outgoing children with a friend. A couple of years ago, my cousin, Lana, who is very (very) talkative and outgoing posted on her blog that she just did not know where one of her children came from. Four of her five children inherited her outgoing personality but this child just DIDN’T want to be in the spotlight or talk in front of people. Lana said they just didn’t have enough microphones at their house for everybody. I wrote back and told her this child would fit in perfectly at my house and said we had several extra microphone I would gladly give her. (I hate talking in a microphone & that was how the recent conversation came up) When I was repeating the story recently, I said that Britney would like to keep her microphone and it looked like maybe Emily would also. (Lana’s mother Wilma use to say she felt sorry for Britney in a house where all of the other family members were so quiet)Hmmm, maybe I better keep a microphone for Nathan also. Do you think he is a natural, “in the spotlight kind of guy” or maybe a competitive young man trying to keep up with Emily & prove he can do anything at 2 1/2 that she can do at 5 years of ago.

    Yes, there will be joys and frustrations ahead of my girls as they become mothers but they sure make fun stories for us as empty nest parents and grandparents—maybe a “pay back kind of thing”. Britt and I will have to think about starting a blog of “things our kids did” when they were young. It’s easier to laugh as we look back on those stores than when we were in the midst of it.

    Now that is cool that you got to be geeky with your husband (since both of you enjoy doing that). Well, cool for you anyway. You certainly took after your dad in the area of problem solving, debugging and programming. It sounds like George is glad of that too! What a team!

  3. […] But I hear they are having a great time at Gramps’ house: a new scooter, baby chicks, a fishing trip, markers, homemade play dough, AND fork privileges! […]

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