Wait, Wait, Wait….
posted August 7th, 2006 by Shannon
“…What can we do while we wait?” (Sung by Joe as he and Blue played The Waiting Game — that would be from Blue’s Clues for those without toddlers.) That’s a very good question as I’m not really sure WHAT to do while we wait for the arrival of Baby Peanut. But I can take some time and answer a few FAQ’s while we wait:
“Have you had that baby yet?” Uh, no – rest assured we will post here when baby makes his/her arrival!
“How are you feeling?” I am feeling good. I am, of course, tired of the heat, tired of being unable to find a comfortable sleeping position, tired of consuming so much water, and tired of my shirts getting smaller and smaller. However, someone asked me last week if I was just miserable and it caught me offguard. A quick read through the morning paper is enough to remind me that I’m really in a very comfortable spot. So a bit uncomfortable now and then but no major complaints.
“Any idea when this baby is coming?” HA! It will hopefully be sometime in the next 2 weeks. Other than that, we have no idea. I did have quite a few contractions last Wednesday night and then throughout the day on Thursday but they apparently did their job for the moment and then decided to take a break for a while.
“Have you picked out names yet?” No, but that’s a funny one. We appear to work best under pressure when it comes to naming our children. We have finally talked about it and we do have a short list for both boy and girl names. But you’ll have to wait until Peanut’s arrival to know the official name (we likely won’t decide on the final name until then anyway).
“How are the other kids doing?” E and N have been a big help getting things ready and they are very excited about their new baby. For a long time E wanted a little sister and N wanted a little brother, however E discovered that she could be guaranteed to get what she wanted if she instead said she wanted a boy OR a girl. I think N still wants a boy, but when asked what he would do with a baby sister he responds very cutely with “wuv it”. They probably don’t understand just how much their lives are about to change, but they are very excited for now.
And so are we – it’s just hard to wait sometimes. But that’s what we’re doing…
Filed under: Family on August 7th, 2006
Haha, thanks for the FAQ’s!
Well, my thoughts are, the sooner the baby is born, the sooner it will be old enough for you to come over here and visit! Either, leave the baby & the other kids at the grandparents, or bring the baby along… no difference to me, but we’d certainly love you and George to come visit! hehe… 🙂
I feel so horrible because I think that I have asked all of those questions. And I know from just being pregnant how old they can get. It is just because we all care so much. And for me, the idea of maybe being there to help out with the kids when it all is going on is pretty exciting since I had to miss out on the natural birth experience myself. (C-section for all those who don’t know me, not a single contraction.)
The worst things ever said to me while I was pregnant:
“Wow! You look ready to pop!” (I was only six months along.)
“Is it twins?” Said to me one day AFTER my due date because I was so gigantic.
“If you get any bigger you’re going to need your own zip code.” This came from an elder at Wayside, who is still a good friend despite his lack of tact.
if this pregnant thing ever happens to me, you will be getting a call. you, christy kennard, and A’ndrea my three friends that have already had three kiddoes!!!
Wow, Chelsea – those are bad. I’m glad you are still on speaking terms with the elder! The worst I’ve had is the guy at Lowe’s a few days ago who looked at me, then looked at George and said “Woah, you need to get her to a hospital!” He apparently thought I was ripe enough to be birthing a baby any minute and I guess he didn’t want it happening in his store.
I’ve been reading your blog this summer and have really enjoyed your posts- I’ll be praying for you these next two weeks.
Yay! I am SO excited for you – can’t wait to “meet” Peanut, but was glad to have the answers to some FAQs in the meantime!
And really, do you mean to tell us that you have nothing to do while you wait in that new house of yours??? No unpacking left to do? No organizing closets? No rooms to paint (or at least pick out colors for)? If this is indeed true, I can send you some stuff . . .
Hey Devina! Nice to ‘see’ you here! I’ve been trying to keep up with your blog too (since finding it a couple of weeks ago).
Jen – uh, there’s no need to send anything for me to work on!! But thanks so much for the kind offer! Our to-do list here is plenty long. I just can’t find many things on the list that my pregnant body will agree to do.