So far behind…

posted December 8th, 2006 by Shannon

SAX~Velocity~Wet~Watir (spelling intended)

It’s been almost 6 years that I’ve been out of the programming world and I just can’t keep up any longer. George has been using these words lately and I’m starting to get that eyes-glazed-over look when he does. You know the look. It’s the one that non-computer geeks get when the computer geeks get together and start talking their  geeky language. Only now I’m on the outside. I know there’s a computer definition for all those words and I half-way know what several of them mean. But I couldn’t participate in a conversation about them. I don’t know that I’ll ever have a chance to catch up and be a productive member of the programming world again, and that makes me a bit sad. I wouldn’t trade the time I have at home with my kids (even after days like today), but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss the thrill of programming. *sigh*

And now you ask where such a randon post came from. It’s a bit embarrasing, but I’ll tell you anyway. Tonight I had to ask George what a POJO was. See, I told you I was  definitely behind. Any programmer worth their salt would know that!!

5 Responses to “So far behind…”

  1. I did not realize that programming was thrilling. Potty training your 3 year old maybe – but programming?

  2. Well, believe it or not despite taking a single intro to C++ class, I am not a programmer. “Ant~Swing~Spring~Hibernate~Eclipse” might as well be Korean, because I can read it but don’t understand its meaning… though it could make great cue cards for a children’s story. Maybe I’ll try it out on your kids in FOUR DAYS.
    “Once upon a time, there was an ANT who loved to SWING. He swang and swang all SPRING. High, high into the sky he swang until his mom called him in for dinner. He ate and ate the crumbs she’d gathered. And then he fell into a deep, deep HIBERNATion sleep until the next ECLIPSE.”

  3. Ah, yes. If the code you write actually works, then yes, it can be thrilling. Gosh, I miss that some days!

    Laura, your story is most excellent. My children will be anxiously awaiting such stories from you in THREE DAYS!!

  4. So I’m commenting on comments – it’s super cute to see you and your sis chatting here about how soon you will see each other! I get to see mine in FIVE days – yay us!

    Also, I totally know how you feel. I used to be certified to teach in three different states, and at one time I was qualified to teach several different types of classrooms. Now, nothin’! I’d have to take some major classes to be allowed in a classroom . . . and I’m glad!


  5. Yes, yeah for Jen (and family)!! These SILLY sisters of ours that get married and go live overseas for a while!!!

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