posted April 10th, 2008 by Shannon
You don’t realize how dependent you are on something until it’s taken from you. Something like, oh, say, electricity. A storm last night has left us without electricity since 3 AM this morning. I managed to get through today, but I hear it could be Saturday until it comes back on. Yikes.
(We’re at one of those places with free wi-fi right now. We bribed the kids into staying relatively quiet here with the promise of getting to play an online game for a bit once we were done. It appears my time is up.)
UPDATE: Our power came back on around 1:30 AM, leaving us without power for just under 24 hours. I suppose it could have been a lot worse. Thanks for all the offers of help!
Filed under: Family on April 10th, 2008
I just told George that if the electricity is really not on until Saturday you all are welcome to come crash here tomorrow night. We have wireless internet and a cousin! I hope though for your sanity that it is back on when you get home.
I do not envy you… not having electricity is enough of a challenge, but I can’t imagine that challenge with 3 kids!