The trouble with using a midwife…
posted July 25th, 2006 by Shannon
…is that they know EVERYTHING! It’s just not fair! With the first two kiddos, this was a typical conversation I had with my doctor at each visit:
Doctor: “How’s your nutrition? Are you eating well?”
Me: “Pretty good. At least I’m trying to.”
Doctor: “Well, keep working on it. Nutrition is important to your growing baby. See you next month.”
But, NO, not with a midwife! Every visit I have to pee on this little strip and every time they tell me some part of my diet that I need to work on. (Usually it’s that I need more protein. No matter how much protein I eat the strip still says I need more.) Well, today my midwife KNEW I had had ice cream last night. I haven’t had ice cream in a WHOLE month but yet I HAD to go and eat some last night. Well, I got caught. And according to the strip, my body didn’t handle it well – at all. So until Baby Peanut arrives, I get no more ice cream. Ughh! (But seriously, I love being under the care of a midwife, even when she tells me no more ice cream.)
Filed under: Adventures, Family on July 25th, 2006
What a bummer. I love ice cream and ate it a lot while pregnant but even more post partum. Well, at least you only have a little longer. I will bring some ice cream for you to enjoy after Peanut is here.
Shannon… you make me smile… and, though I hate to admit it, get a bit emotional, cuz I miss you! AND I am SO happy that you have a midwife who knows EVERYTHING! Isn’t it grand!!??!! Just dream about what kind of ice cream you want to be eating as you are sitting in your own bed nursing your Peanut! (And I’m sure you are drinking your water, right?!?) I love you and miss you… glad to read you are doing good!
shannon and george! good to be connected with you both. i am glad you are using a midwife. that is very admirable. -shelly
i love that i can connect with so many ASU people online now. soooo good. shannon, being pregnant is a test of faith and will. 🙂 i’ll be praying for you. jen