Just REST!!
posted February 12th, 2006 by Shannon
I had a conversation with Emily several weeks ago that I keep thinking about. The weather outside was nice and I agreed to let her lay down on our porch swing in the backyard for her rest time. The back of the swing folds down and actually makes something like a small bed. Since there was enough room, I decided to join her. I had tons of stuff to do, but decided to instead try to finish the last chapter or so of a book I’d been reading in for months. Emily often has trouble settling herself down and getting still. This was no exception.
Emily moving all around trying to get comfortable.
Me: Emily, please be still.
Emily: (still for a few seconds before squirming again) I need a pillow.
Me: (handing her a porch swing pillow) Here, now be still. You need to rest your body for a bit.
Emily: (still for another few seconds before moving again) What time is it?
Me: It’s not even 2:00 yet, probably 1:30. Now, rest your body!
Emily: (aware that I am not wearing a watch) How do you know what time it is?
Me: It doesn’t matter. Now rest!
Emily: But how do you know?
Me: (Getting a WEE bit irritated by now, I place my finger on the sentence I was reading, look her in the eyes and speak sternly. ) I am the mommy. I know. Now, just REST!!!
That was pretty much the end of the conversation. She stayed fairly still after that. I picked my book up to finish reading the paragraph I’d been trying to read for the past several minutes. I followed my finger to the word it was still touching. It was the very word I’d just spoken: REST. I don’t remember now what the paragraph was actually saying, but it was speaking about resting in God. I sat there for a few minutes and then listened in on myself having the following conversation:
Me: I’m concerned about all the things that still need to be done before L’s wedding.
Voice: I know, but it’s okay. Just rest a bit.
Me: I’m worried because we couldn’t hear the baby’s heartbeat last week and I’d sure feel a lot better if I knew that our baby was real and alive.
Voice: I know it’s hard. But I promised I’d hold you though this. And that promise didn’t stop this summer. I’m still holding you. Just rest, okay?
Me: We have so many big changes coming up and it’s just all so overwhelming, and…
Voice: Yes, I know about them all. Now, just rest!
(Notice I did not say God said those things. Maybe he did, or maybe my brain just said what I think he’d say. Either way, I still got the point. And I don’t want to risk putting words in his mouth.)
I did finally put the book away and rest on the swing for a bit. And I have thought about the conversation a lot since then. But did I really rest? I don’t think so. I don’t know that I really know what that means or even how to do it. Did I stop worrying about things? No, of course not. Is that really even humanly possible? How do you really NOT worry … about ANYTHING … at ALL? I sure haven’t figured that out.
On another note, some would say I should have dealt with the original sitation better and not have been so patient with Emily in the first place. If she wasn’t going to be still and rest like I’d told her, I should have immediately addressed the situation more sternly. Andf maybe I should have. However, I am glad that the voice telling me to rest didn’t lose it’s patience with me, as I was starting to do with Emily. And still hasn’t lost patience with me. I struggle with knowing what my response as a parent should be to situations like this. On the one hand, as a good parent I am supposed to be enforcing the things I tell her to do, right? On the other hand, I see undeserved patience and grace being shown to me ALL the time for things I know I shouldn’t be doing. Mostly by God, but also by George, my kids, and others. But I can’t go around showing undeserved patience to her all day, can I? Or can I? Ughh. I have NO idea.
I read this post on Monday and was reminded of some of the trials of raising preschoolers! I loved reading where you shared how you felt you were patiently being reminded to rest and let God hold you through several situations you have been dealing with recently. It was like a word picture you had painted for me of God having his arms wrapped around you and holding you tight. I started praying for you as you seek and ask how God wants you to deal with your children and what is right for you.
Tuesday morning when I was having my quiet time and before I started on my Beth Moore “Believing God” homework, I picked up my Bible and decided to read one of the devotionals scattered through it. I looked through the list of titles and decided on one called Pleasing God in an Ungodly World from Genesis 6:9-13. Would you believe it was on REST? A little different approach but it was special to me…
These are some quotes from this devo…
“So what lessons can we learn from Noah about pleasing God in an ungodly world? The answer is rest. The very name Noah means rest. To rest is to recuperate, stand still, pause, stop or cease…
God’s purpose for Noah was to bring rest to the earth from the chaos of sin. Because of our personal relationship with God, we also have the unique opportunities to bring rest or comfort to somewone whose world is filled with chaos. (…when we offer comfort to a friend or compassion to someone who does not know the Lord, we have planted a seed toward bringing them to Christ, which is bringing the ultimate rest from the chaos of death, hell and the grave…)
Noah was not sinless but he lived a holy life before the Lord. Holiness must be a priority in each of our lives. Every time we choose to obey the Lord and resist temptation, we bring rest from sin and its effects into our lives and home… We, like Noah, are destined to be ministers of God’s rest by the very lives we lead…
Noah walked with God. They had a personal, direct relationship. When intimacy with God is missing, holiness can lead to legalism and religiosity, which does not provide us with rest from sin but the impossible standard that we strive to live up to in our own strength. Striving to be holy leads to exhaustion not rest. Noah knew how to hear the voice of the Lord and obey his word, not through legalism but through relationship…
It is through our relationship with God that we gain the strength to live holy lives. As we learn to rest quietly in Him, w,like Noah will know his voice. So how do we please God in an ungodly world? Learn to rest in Him and to minister His rest to a world otherwise filled with chaos.” by Rebecca Wagner Sytsema
Thanks for sharing these thoughts Shan. ^^