I did it!

Big accomplishment tonight! After dropping my sister off at the airport tonight, I missed my exit off the highway and had to take the next one. Taking that alternate route I passed right by a Barnes & Noble bookstore. On a whim I decided to stop. There’s a new book I’ve been wanting to flip […]

Another update

Gosh, I should really blog more often, shouldn’t I? We are doing well, just busy. Hannah weighed 8 pounds and 5 ounces a week and a half ago. Still not quite what Emily weighed at birth, but I imagine she’s passed that by now. We’re getting ready for Nathan’s 3rd birthday in just a few […]

Kiddo Update

Hannah‘s cord fell off yesterday leaving an adorable belly button. The midwife’s assistant came by to check on us today. Hannah’s weight is up to 8 pounds. Nathan kissed Hannah on her cheek yesterday. She turned her mouth towards his a split second before spitting out a bit of partially digested milk. The spit-up landed […]

More Hannah Pictures

460 Pictures from Hannah’s birth have been posted here. We started with over 200, but I was able to narrow it down to just under 50. They are all G-rated (or at least just PG). Hannah is doing well. We had a good night last night. I think everyone got more sleep last night than […]

Her name is…

399 Hannah Michelle. Thanks for being patient while we decided on that. Keep reading if you want a very short version of the birth story….I woke up with contractions around 2:45am and had contractions all stinking day long. They stayed around 10-15 minutes apart and weren’t too bad, but they were definitely the real thing. […]


393 She’s finally here! She arrived at 12:46 AM this morning. She was 7lb 12oz and 20 in long.I will post some more info later today (including her name).

Got Caught

377 George and I accompanied the kids to a friend’s birthday party on Saturday. I REALLY had not planned to go as my plan was to be home with a baby, but that was not to be. The inflatable play structures looked like so much fun I just had to try one out. Adults were […]

Yep, still waiting…

Sorry we didn’t get this updated sooner. It has taken us a few days to process all that’s happened in the last week. We had a sonogram last Thursday to check on the baby and everything looks great. The not-so-exciting news for us was that our due date is apparently a couple weeks ahead. We […]

More Birthdays

338 (That would be birthdays, not birth days.) Yesterday was George’s birthday. We thought we might be busy with a new baby so we didn’t have a whole lot planned. Bummer for him. He did get to hunt for some presents that were hidden by the kiddos and we took a little family outing to […]

And a Half

One and a half weeks until our books are due back at the library. Two and a half months since we moved into our new house. Three and a half minutes alone with markers and our son will be covered from head to toe. Four and a half days until my next midwife appointment, which […]