Wait, Wait, Wait….

“…What can we do while we wait?” (Sung by Joe as he and Blue played The Waiting Game — that would be from Blue’s Clues for those without toddlers.) That’s a very good question as I’m not really sure WHAT to do while we wait for the arrival of Baby Peanut. But I can take […]

The trouble with using a midwife…

…is that they know EVERYTHING! It’s just not fair! With the first two kiddos, this was a typical conversation I had with my doctor at each visit: Doctor: “How’s your nutrition? Are you eating well?” Me: “Pretty good. At least I’m trying to.” Doctor: “Well, keep working on it. Nutrition is important to your growing […]

July 24th, 2006

It’s my little sister’s birthday today, but I’m sure she doesn’t want me to call her right now. It’s just after 2pm for me, which means it’s just after 4am in South Korea. Therefore, I am technically a whole day late in wishing her a happy birthday. (Shame on me!) So I’ll just do the […]

Thank you

Sometimes it takes the words of a child for us to realize how much we take for granted. Nathan’s prayer at dinner last night: Dear God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for Mommy. Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for Emily. Thank you for Nathan. Thank you that I have a head. Thank […]

Kidless Week

We spent the last week without our precious kiddos while they played at Gran and Gramps’ house. They spent their time making playdough, fishing with Gramps, taking walks to the park, picking veggies from Gramps’ garden, having a picnic lunch in the playhouse, decorating their bike/trike and riding it in the July 4th parade. I […]

A Leap Last Sum Up

My sister posted a pretty funny video from her side of the world today.

Sunday Afternoon

George just took the kids for a ride in the bike trailer. Then went to check out the “lake” on the south side of our subdivision. The pregnant mommy stayed home. Bikes and my body don’t agree with each other very well at this stage. But I am anxiously awaiting a full report on the […]

Aunt and Uncle Visit

I meant to get this photo posted earlier this week. My sister and her husband dropped by our new place and spent the night while they were in the area this past weekend. We walked to the school playground the next morning and played with Uncle Cody’s cool yellow plane. Thanks for the visit, Britney […]

On the other side…

Ya-hoo. We are now in our new house – AND we now have internet. A few difficulties here and there, but overall things have gone fairly smoothly. I’ll attempt to go back and retro-blog some of the things between the last post and now, but until then I’ll give you a quick update. Yesterday was […]

The Loft

The kid’s room has a built-in loft. My guess is that they like it.