Today’s Riddle
posted May 31st, 2006 by Shannon
What do the following items have in common – a purple crazy straw, a piece of colored chalk, a twist tie, a homemade Christmas ornament, 2 popsicle sticks, a Waxahachie ISD pen, a 15″ long stick, and an expired (as of 07/31/00) coupon for 70 cents off Quacker Chewy granola bars?
Any clues?
Answer: They are all items George found under our closets’ built-in shelves a few moments ago. Don’t feel bad – I didn’t guess correctly either.
Filed under: Adventures on May 31st, 2006
I guess that is better than if the answer were, “Items found in Shannon’s purse”.
I think that they are things that someone – maybe George found under the closets.