How do you spell ‘Mike’?

The twin girls that live next door came over to play this afternoon. At one point they were playing with the paper, scissors, glue stick, markers, etc. One of the twins asked me how to spell ‘Dear’. Then she asked how to spell ‘Mike’. Hmmm, okay. Then she showed me her creation. A note, for […]

There’s No Stopping Her Now

Last Friday, we got the bikes out to go for a ride. I quickly discovered that E’s training wheels were broken. The tread had come completely off one side. She was quite upset about it. I told her that I would not buy her another set and that she would just have to learn to […]

So, How’s the Weather?

904 Christy asked about the weather in our part of the world. This picture was taken yesterday afternoon. Up until now it has been HOT. Under these raincoats the kids were wearing short-sleeved and sleeveless tops. (I’m not quite sure why N wore pants. He’s been in shorts the rest of the week.) I hear […]

A Thousand Miles in Five Days

Technically it was 933.4 miles, but that’s close enough for me. Fifteen hours. By myself. With the kid(s). I drove to my parent’s house and dropped the older 2 kiddos off. Then up to my sister’s house to meet my new niece for the very first time. Then back home, stopping by my in-laws house […]

Quote of the Day

“I need to go potty! Pause the book!” – said by N, who may have played too many rounds of Minnesota Cuke on the computer.

Camera Woes

880 This is H all dressed up in her 4th of July outfit. Or was that N waving his little flag? Either way our camera is definitely fried. I was starting to research digital camcorders in hopes we could get one of those soon, but I guess we’re going to need to get another camera […]

21 Things to do this Summer

ONE promise to make good on: Take the kids skating TWO things to do on the computer: Move our blog to a new URL Learn Ruby (or at least work through Chapter 5 in the Ruby book G bought for me) THREE things to sew: Nursing cover for my sister (I’m getting a niece in […]

Box Day!!

857 Yeah! Yesterday was Box Day at our house. E’s first grade books arrived from Sonlight. Unfortunately our camera messed up right after this photo so this is the only photo of the event. The kids are excited about the new books and E went to bed looking at one tonight. 859 We had issues […]

I really should be sleeping…

but George and I are fascinated with a caterpillar. If you’ve never watched a caterpillar go through the process of becoming a butterfly, you are missing out! It’s so amazing. We’ve watched parts of it several times but I’m still completely amazed every time I see a part of the process. My dad found 6 […]

It begins…

This is what I heard hubby say yesterday: “Uh, she just took a step! Two…Three…Four…Five!” Then she did it again and took 7 steps. Just this week I told someone I didn’t expected H to walk for at least another month, maybe 2. Shows what I know.