Every Single Day

posted December 20th, 2007 by Shannon

What my son said to me today:

“Mommy, I like to give you hugs. I’ll give you a hug every single day of my life.”

“What about when you go off to college? Can I come to your dorm room every morning and get my hug?”

“No….I’ll just drive to you and give you your hug every day when I’m in college.”

DIY: Billion Second Birthday

posted December 17th, 2007 by Shannon

Want to know when your billion second birthday is (or was)? Want to say you’ve written a bit of Ruby code? Well, here’s your chance. Head over to this Interactive Ruby site and type this line (substituting your own birthday year, month, and day):

Time.mktime(1980,8,13) + 1000000000

You will have to type it out. Copy and paste does not work, sorry! If you know the hour and minute of your birth you can add those inside the parentheses after the day. (You’ll need to use 24-hour time for the hours.) Your line would instead look like this:

Time.mktime(1980,8,13,15,16) + 1000000000

If you want to play around some more, hit your up arrow key to bring up your last line of code. Take of 3 of the zeros and see when your millionth second birthday was.

So, what do you think? Did you try it? Did it work? (Did you get an error?) Let me know.

NOTES: The birthday listed above is not MY birthday. Though I do know someone with that birthday. I don’t know the hour and minute of her birth so I made that part up. The tutorial on the interactive ruby page is not one I’ve been all the way through. But if you want to try it out for a bit, be my guest. And tell me what you think of Ruby!

So, Just How Big is One Billion?

posted December 7th, 2007 by Shannon

billionframed_vectorized.png When I was one thousand seconds old, I was being weighed for the first time.

When I was one million seconds old, I was still sleeping most of the day.

When I was one billion seconds old, I was married with 3 kiddos.

Wow. Happy One-Billion-Seconds-Old Birthday to Me!!!!

(1,000 seconds is roughly 16 minutes. 1,000,000 seconds is about 11 days. 1,000,000,000 seconds is somewhere in the neighborhood of 31 years and 8.5 months.)

Ruby Says Hello

posted November 30th, 2007 by Shannon

I’m shaking the dust off of my coding brain cells and learning Ruby on Rails. I played with Ruby a few weeks ago, read my Rails book during Thanksgiving travels, and today created my first official Ruby on Rails application. I present to you my Hello World:

Hello from Ruby

You shouldn’t be too impressed because I copied the code straight from the book. But it is working on my computer and I do understand (almost) everything I copied. Not small tasks for my brain cells.

The check is in the mail…

posted November 21st, 2007 by Shannon

My sister needed to mail us a check.
It came in a most unusual way.

[flashvideo filename=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/confetti.flv image=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/confetti.jpg /]

The note says:
You love me…
and don’t you forget that!

Questions and Answers

posted November 19th, 2007 by Shannon

Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?
E: Be a dance teacher, a swim lessons teacher, an art teacher …. and a worker at Ikea’s kid’s place.
N: Be a swim lessons teacher.

Q: If you could be a superhero, what would your superpower be?
E: To stick to buildings.
N: To shoot webs and swing on them.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
E: Norway, Disney World, and where the Little Mermaid statue is. *
N: Uhmm, which direction is that? West? Okay, I’d go west. **

Q: If you could build anything, what would you like to build?
E: A doghouse.
N: A robot.

Q: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you want?
E: A dog.
N: A dog, … or a cat, … actually a cat.

Q: If you could look like someone else, who would it be?
E: H, because she’s my sister.
N: Shane, because he’s so fun. ***

Q: If you had plenty of money, what would you buy?
E: A new dress for me and H.
N: All 3 Spiderman movies. ****

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in school?
E: Reading books and math.
N: The Llama Who Had No Pajama, science, and math.

Q: Have you ever sneaked a peek at presents that were hidden from you?
E: No.
N: No.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone?
E: Color and read books.
N: Play with toys.

Q: What is your favorite vegetable?
E: Frozen corn. *****
N: Frozen mixed veggies. *****

Q: What is your favorite season of the year?
E: Spring when the buttercups come out…and Winter, if it snows.
N: Yeah, Spring when the butter cups come out, and Winter, if it snows.

* Uncle Sam and Aunt Christy took a 3-month trip to Norway. They did some sight-seeing around the area and mailed us a postcard of the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen.
** The neighborhood park is west of our house.
*** Poor guy. Shane is a friend from San Antonio that he has not seen in over a year.
**** N has not seen any of the Spiderman movies yet, and I don’t know that I’m ready for him to. (So that would not be a good Christmas gift idea.)
***** They actually do mean frozen. Take a bag of frozen corn (or mixed veggies) straight from the freezer, pour a helping onto their plate, and they are happy as can be.

How do you spell ‘Mike’?

posted November 14th, 2007 by Shannon

The twin girls that live next door came over to play this afternoon. At one point they were playing with the paper, scissors, glue stick, markers, etc. One of the twins asked me how to spell ‘Dear’. Then she asked how to spell ‘Mike’. Hmmm, okay. Then she showed me her creation. A note, for Mike, cut into a heart shape, which read:

I like you
and you like me.

Wow. Are you serious? Is it time for that already? This is the first grade, people! Can I shelter my daughter just a little bit longer? Please?

There’s No Stopping Her Now

posted November 12th, 2007 by George

Last Friday, we got the bikes out to go for a ride. I quickly discovered that E’s training wheels were broken. The tread had come completely off one side. She was quite upset about it. I told her that I would not buy her another set and that she would just have to learn to ride without them. She was a little bit concerned, but I assured her that I would help her out.

So we got out in the street, I gave her a little push, and ran along side her all the way to the end of the street. I did not have to catch her even once! We went between our house and the end of the block about 4 times until I was a bit tired. We then worked on her starts; at first I had to give her a push each time. I didn’t have to do anything about teaching her how to turn.

In the video you will notice she can start by herself, ride relatively straight, dodge her brother, turn, and stop.

[flashvideo filename=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/no_training_wheels1.flv image=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/firstvideo.jpg /]

And now she rides back.

[flashvideo filename=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/no_training_wheels2.flv image=wp-content/uploads/2007/11/secondvideo.jpg /]

Let me know if you have trouble viewing the videos.

So, How’s the Weather?

posted October 9th, 2007 by Shannon


Christy asked about the weather in our part of the world. This picture was taken yesterday afternoon. Up until now it has been HOT. Under these raincoats the kids were wearing short-sleeved and sleeveless tops. (I’m not quite sure why N wore pants. He’s been in shorts the rest of the week.) I hear that it may finally start cooling down. That would be nice. Actually, anything under 90 degrees would be nice.

A Thousand Miles in Five Days

posted August 31st, 2007 by Shannon

Technically it was 933.4 miles, but that’s close enough for me. Fifteen hours. By myself. With the kid(s).

I drove to my parent’s house and dropped the older 2 kiddos off. Then up to my sister’s house to meet my new niece for the very first time. Then back home, stopping by my in-laws house to spend the night. I returned home earlier today with 24 hours left to get ready for H’s first birthday party tomorrow. My little sister, a third child herself, volunteered to make a cake after learning that little H just might end up with a bought (not homemade) cake this year.

We also have some very exciting news to announce…………. G’s schedule is changing next week! The new change should give us enough time to catch up on life and even have some time left over for fun … and blogging! This month has dragged on so slowly and it seemed that next week would never come. But it’s finally here – and in the next 9 days, G only has to go to his office for 2 of them. We are SO excited!

Speaking of little H, she’s awake now. I need to get back to picking up and cleaning the house before it gets bombarded with family members in town for H’s party. Look for more frequent posts in the coming months.